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Declarations from 1 & 2 Peter

1 Peter
Chapter 1:  I declare that God has chosen me; His spirit has made me holy. His grace and peace are abundant in my life. Through my faith, God is protecting me. Through trials and temptations my genuine faith shines through.
I declare that though I may not see God, I love Him, I trust Him, and I rejoice with glorious, inexpressible joy. When I preach, I preach in the power of the Holy Spirit.
I declare that I exercise self-control. I live as God’s obedient child. I am holy in everything I do, just as God chose me to be. I show sincere love to others. I love them deeply with all my heart.
Chapter 2:  I declare that I crave pure spiritual milk, so that I will grow into a full experience of salvation. I cry out for this nourishment, as I have tasted the Lord’s kindness.
I declare that I am God’s holy priest. I offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.  I show others the goodness of God as I walk in His wonderful light. I respect all human authority – weather I agree with it or not.
I declare that by Christ’s wounds, I am healed.
Chapter 3: I declare that as a wife, I accept the authority of my husband. And as a husband I treat my wife, as I know I should; otherwise my prayers may be hindered. I clothe myself with beauty that comes from within.
I declare that I am of one mind with other believers. I am tenderhearted and I keep a humble attitude. I don’t repay evil for evil. Instead I speak blessings over them. I do good. I search for peace, and work to maintain it. I do what is right and God’s ears are open to my prayers because of it.
Chapter 4: I declare that I am ready to suffer for Christ; I am finished with sin. I am anxious to do the will of God. I am earnest and disciplined in my prayers. I show deep love for others.
I declare that I use the gifts God has given my to serve others. Everything I do brings glory to God through Jesus Christ.
I declare that I am not surprised when trials come my way. In fact I am glad, because these trials make me partners with Christ in His sufferings. I keep on doing what is right and I trust God with my life, knowing that He will never fail me.
Chapter 5:  I declare that I care for those God has entrusted to me. I lead by my good example. I serve others with humility because “God opposes the proud but favors the humble”.
I declare that I give all my worries to God. I stand firm against the devil; I am strong in my faith.

2 Peter 

Chapter 1: I declare that God gives me more grace and peace as I grow in my knowledge of Him. I declare that by coming to know God, He has given me everything I need for living a godly life. I share in His divine nature and I escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. I declare that I supplement my faith with moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, patient endurance, godliness, brotherly affection, and love for everyone. As I grow in these areas the more productive and useful I am in my knowledge of my Lord Jesus. 

Chapter 2: I declare that I can trust the Lord to rescue me from trials that come my way. I am stable and don’t wander off the right road. I am a slave only to Jesus Christ, who controls me. 

Chapter 3:  I declare that I hold firm to the truth that Jesus Christ is coming again. He is not slow in His promises. I trust Him completely. He is being patient, not wanting anyone to be destroyed, wanting all to repent; everyone in my family. I declare that I grow daily in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am on my guard. I will not be carried away false teachers.

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