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A-Z Resting 

In God’s Presence



As I Sit In God’s Presence…



I Allow His Thoughts 


As I sit here with You Lord, I allow Your thoughts to overtake mine.  If thoughts come in that are not to be part of our quiet time together, I put them aside for later. I meditate on the thoughts that You bring to me. If nothing comes to my mind, that’s ok, I’ll enjoy the silence. 


I choose to allow God’s thoughts to overtake mine as I rest and spend time with Him.



I Breathe Him In


With each breath that I take, I breathe You in: Your glory, Your goodness, and the fullness of who You are. You bring life to my whole body as you enter every cell inside me. As I breathe You in, Your love consumes me.


With each breath that I take, I choose to allow God’s overwhelming love to consume me.



I Cease Striving


At times, this is almost impossible, to cease striving after the one thing I want more of. Yet, I must, I will. For the more will come in the rest, in the ceasing to strive. Some days may bring abundant revelations, others may not. It’s not up to me. My part is to show up, to relax, to rest, and to let God be God.


I choose to cease striving, and just allow God to do what only He can do. 



I Discipline Myself  


It’s hard at times to just sit and do what appears at times to be nothing every day. I use to feel guilty that I wasn’t accomplishing something. I would give God five minutes to speak all that He had for me, and when He didn’t, I’d give up. But when I think about it, what is more important than spending a few minutes everyday with the God of the universe?


I choose to discipline myself to spend quality time with God everyday, knowing that I will reap the benefits of quiet intimacy. 



I Encounter Him


People encounter God in different ways; what worked yesterday may not work today. What works for my friend may not work for me. Though God is with us no matter where we are, there is a place where we enter into a deeper encounter of Him. A place where we know, that we know, that we know, we are in the presence of Almighty God. 

I choose to take whatever time is necessary to encounter my God. It can’t be rushed or forced, and I know that God longs for it just as much as I do.



I Faithfully Wait


There are times when I say “Come Holy Spirit” and I feel His presence immediately. There are other times when I feel nothing. How much time will I give Him to “show up”? How many times has God waited for me to “show up”? I think I will wait as long as it takes; I must wait, because I cannot go about my day until we meet face to face. 


I choose to wait faithfully for my Lord and Savior.  I will wait and He will show up, because that is who He is.



I Give Myself 


I give myself totally to God each time that we meet together. I hold nothing back; that would just be counter productive. All that I am, all that I have, is His. 


I choose to give myself totally to You God, no strings attached, no agenda, just total surrender.



I Hear His Voice


How I wish God’s voice was loud and audible, but it rarely is. Sometimes I just have to have faith and believe God’s Word that His sheep hear His voice. It’s my responsibility to make myself available, to come before Him with a clean and pure heart. It’s my responsibility to wait, to listen, and to learn to discern the thoughts and voices that run through my mind.  It’s up to Him how and when He chooses to communicate with me.


I choose to believe that God does speak to me, and I do hear His voice.



I Increase My Love For Him


The more time I spend with God one on one, the more I get to know Him. The more I know Him the more I love Him. There are times when I think I love God with all that I have; I couldn’t possibly love Him more. But then tomorrow comes, or the next day, and I realize I love Him even more; more than I thought possible.


I never get tired of loving my God. I never tire of spending time with Him. The love I have for Him even amazes me at times. Where did it come from, how deep does it go?




Journey Where He Takes Me


Quietly resting with God is anything but boring. When I surrender my thoughts and imagination to Him, there is no limit to the adventures we go on. I must admit that this took some practice, but each time we meet it gets easier.


I look forward to the journeys that I go on with God. There is no formula or format to make this happen; it’s all in His hands.   



Know He’s With Me


How exciting to know that the God of the universe enjoys meeting with me, one on one. He never shows up late; He’s never on the phone, He’s never too busy. I’m not in this life alone; He is with me every step of the way.


I choose to sit and rest with my Lord Jesus Christ; as I do, love and peace overwhelm me. For He is Love and Peace, sitting right here with me, because He loves me so much. 





Oh how I love to meet with Jesus and learn what He wants to teach me. All I have to do is ask Him, and He tells me. Sometimes He leads me to a verse in the Bible and we discuss it. He teaches me how it applies to my life. Sometimes it takes a while, but if I don’t give up, I learn what He has for me.


I choose to allow the Master Himself to teach me. And what a joy it is, to be taught with such love and patience. 



Move Into His Secret Place


There are times when I meet with God that I enter into a deeper, more intimate place, a secret place. I can’t plan it, I can’t make it happen; it just does--not all the time, so I treasure it when it does. 


Meeting with God in His secret place is the desire of my heart. I treasure every moment of it, basking in the glory and closeness of my Lord and Savior.



Nourish My Spirit, Soul and Body


Every part of my body benefits from spending quiet time with God. My spirit connects spirit to Spirit on a level I don’t even understand at times. My soul gets built up, refreshed, strengthened. My body gets a peace running through it that penetrates every cell, so that all stress and anxiety is gone.


My spirit, soul and body benefit tremendously from spending quality time with God. It’s just as important as brushing my teeth or eating my fruits and vegetables.





Sometimes when I am sitting quietly with Jesus, He tells me to do something: relax in His presence, write something down, read a book, or read a certain scripture verse. Sometimes the scripture leads to great revelation and discussion. Some-times the verse doesn’t exist. Ok, so I didn’t hear that one right; it happens.


When God speaks, I choose to obey. As I spend more time with Him, my accuracy for hearing correctly increases.



Please Him


It is my heart’s desire to please my Lord and Savior. I know this happens when we spend time together--just the two of us. Just as a parent or adult enjoys it when a child just wants to sit beside them and snuggle, so our Heavenly Father enjoys doing that with us.


When I spend time with God, it pleases Him. It’s worth the effort, just knowing there’s a smile on His face.



Quietly Wait


I will admit, quietly waiting is hard for me sometimes. I enjoy the “doing”, but the real intimacy many times comes in the “being still”.  Enjoy the waiting; it’s worth it.


I choose to wait quietly and patiently before the Lord. I don’t try and rush His agenda; it’s not worth it.



Release My Agenda


There are times when I enjoy talking to God about what’s on my mind. There are other times when I just need to release my own agenda and totally surrender to what He wants to accomplish during our special time together. I think He enjoys it more when I release my agenda and go with His.


At least once a day I choose to release my agenda and embrace God’s.



Surrender Everything


When I meet with God I like to surrender every area of my life; nothing is off limits. I ask Him to search me, and if anything displeases Him, to bring it to my attention. Then we deal with it.


I choose to be 100% surrendered to God. I surrender to His ways, His plans, His corrections, and His purpose.





I can trust God with every thought that I have. I can trust Him to have my best interest in mind as we discuss things. I can trust Him as He molds me into the person He created me to be. I trust Him when we sit quietly, to speak when He’s ready to, and I will hear.


I choose to trust God in every way and in every area of my life. I have no need to worry about anything, because He will never let me down. 





It’s amazing how God unfolds His plans as we sit quietly together. It’s like a flower blooming with the gift of understanding in the middle. Sometimes understanding comes quickly, other times it’s a mysterious journey. 


I choose to believe that God gives me under-standing in life, in His Word, and in our relationship. 





There’s a saying: Whatever you value, you’ll give time to.”  My words of love to my Lord and Savior mean nothing, if I don’t value Him enough to spend quality time with Him.


I choose to value God and my relationship with Him. I take time for just the two of us to be together and love on each other.





Worship is how I express my love to God with no strings attached. I express my love for who He is, not for what He can give me. It’s hard to differentiate at times, because He’s so giving. Worship is also a strong weapon in warfare; it beats fear every time.


I choose to worship my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s a part of my life, 24/7.





There are so many things to experience as I meet with God: His love, His guidance, His wisdom, His teaching, His character, and His rest, just to name a few. He chooses the experience, and I get to enjoy it.


I choose to meet with God everyday, and as I do, I experience what He has for me.





Yielding has become a part of my life. The more I experience God’s goodness and love for me, the easier it is to stay completely yielded to Him. No one has my best interest in mind as much as God. The more I yield, the more I experience His goodness.


I choose to stay yielded to God in every area of my life. There is nothing I keep back from Him.



Zip My Mouth


This has to be the hardest area for me. I can talk to God all day long--I love discussing things with Him and just plain talking to Him. But it’s in the listening where the intimacy grows. It’s in the listening where I can learn to distinguish His voice from all others. It’s in the listening where He shares things just for me.


I choose to just zip my mouth and listen to what God has to say. 



Meeting Daily With My Lord & Savior


I Anticipate Your manifest presence

I Bask in your glory

I Calm my spirit, soul & body

I Delight myself in You

I Enjoy You

I Freely surrender

I Gaze upon Your goodness

I Hear You speak to me

I Intentionally rest

I Joyfully wait

I Kiss You

I Love loving You

I Melt into Your arms

I Notice You

I Open my heart

I Praise You

I Quiet myself

I Relinquish everything

I Strive no more

I Thank You

I Uplift my arms in worship

I Value You

I Welcome You

I eXalt You

I Yield to Your leading

I Zero in on You alone



As I Bask In God’s Goodness


I am Attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit

I am Blissful with anticipation

I am Covered in liquid love

I am Destined to receive from Him

I am Effortlessly drawn to His heart

I am Forever changed

I am Greeted with open arms

I am Held close by my Beloved

I am Incredibly safe and relaxed

I am Just where I belong

I am Keenly aware of His presence

I am Lacking nothing at this moment

I am Melded with my Maker

I am Necessary for this encounter

I am Overwhelmed by His love for me

I am Positive that this is where I belong

I am Questing to go deeper into intimacy

I am Relishing this special time together

I am Safe, Secure, and Surrendered

I am Treasured for who I am

I am Undone by His presence

I am Validated as His chosen one

I am Wrapped in righteousness, peace and joy

I am eXpectant that His goodness will stay with me

I am Yielded joyfully in spirit, soul and body

I am Zooming with thoughts of You

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